BPMA member session: Pricing strategies

Next Tuesday, the BPMA is hosting popular speaker Peter Hill of Mark Holt & Co for members to explore pricing practises and how to plan in the current economic environment. With an opportunity to ask questions, every member considering their pricing and planning for the coming months should attend.

The session will cover:

  • Discounting – why you shouldn’t do it and how to avoid it.
  • Why discounts kill profits
  • Overcoming price objections
  • The power of the number – Why do prices end in ‘9’ (you’ll guess wrong) and why round sum pricing undermines trust
  • Why some customers want to pay more and you won’t let them.

Members can register for this complimentary session, taking place on Tuesday 17th November at 9:00am here. The session will last approximately one hour, allowing for questions. Any questions, please contact enquiries@bpma.co.uk

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