Challenging exports

In July, in the midst of the biggest political turmoil the UK has seen, the BPMA had planned as part of the on going push with Government meetings with the Export trade teams were due to be held with the Minister for Exports, MP Mike Freer. Much discussion and preparation were afoot in the weeks leading up to the meeting and a week before, BPMA Board Director Andrew Langley and Carey Trevill put forward a set of ‘asks’ in a paper to the Minister to aid not only members of the Association but the whole industry.

No sooner had papers been submitted, Mike Freer stepped down around five minutes later, one of the many Ministers using their resignation to make a point. As we know, a few days later Boris Johnson finally announced his resignation.

Never ones to waste a good meeting slot, the meeting went ahead with the head of Export Policy and after a very productive discussion, Langley and Trevill left the meeting understanding the direction of Government on matters of export.

The team behind the Export helpline were in the meeting and have a list of challenges presented by trade associations and SME’s all over the UK. Nodding vigorously as Andrew Langley laid bare the scope of challenges facing the industry from inconsistent border treatment to the types of transaction recognised in the Transition agreements, the BPMA is now proactively working on a set of proposals with Government, using case studies to illustrate specific examples.

With a new Minister now in place, MP Andrew Griffiths, further meetings and working groups will be rapidly addressing the areas affecting trade. Whilst not promising to wave a magic wand, it’s clear Government are listening.

PM will continue to report back in the next issue and look out for updates from the BPMA on their website. If you would like to raise an issue with the BPMA on this topic, please contact Carey Trevill via email on

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