UK eases out of lockdown

If you’re suffering from lockdown hair or just the thought of being served your favourite meal in a local restaurant is occupying every waking moment, you’re not alone! Most of us seem set to head for the nearest hairdresser but be prepared to wait even longer as waiting lists are reportedly 4 months for some salons. The range of activities we can access might be marginally improved by the 2m rule being changed to ‘where it’s not possible, people should keep a 1m + distance’ whilst observing social distancing, unless of course you’re in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the 2m rule stays.

Confusing? Unsure? The impact has seen reserved jubilation as rules relaxed should mean more freedom but oddly when the parameters are less clear cut, it is no surprise our outlook may be changeable.

Some year groups returning to school have also found a very different learning environment to the one they left in March; imperative to our ability to return to work, the whole country is watching for Government and schools to find the solutions to get children back to school. During this time, it has been fascinating to see how adaptable and innovative some schools have been to solve the problems thrown their way, working collaboratively. Alongside the amazing service the NHS have provided for our country, our teachers have performed miracles to bring learning to our homes.

As the economy starts to wake up and shoots of re-growth are seen, the changes do represent a country getting ready to move ahead, even cautiously. Insight from end-users indicates an upturn in enquiries matched with more activity generally as brands and businesses look to re-start, re-plan and re-think campaigns. Whilst it is clear the level of enquiries and orders is not back to pre-COVID days, the movement in the sector is positive. Many end-user businesses are reporting returns to offices will be slow however there is work to be done and products to be sold; our role as an industry in these plans is more vital than ever.

If you want to raise a question, need support or just fancy a chat, get in touch with the BPMA team.

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