Seen In the right Company

Brands can latch on to the popularity of cycling with a safety message, says Matt Lake

With another British win in the Tour de France in 2018 and the increasing popularity of cycling, riders of all abilities are finishing their winter training and preparing for the spring and summer ahead.

The health benefits of cycling are undeniable, as too is the increasing number of Lycra clad humans (including myself), who take to cycling year-round. The elite athletes at the top of the cycling pyramid are underpinned by legions of mere mortals, many of who are ‘serious’ about their fitness, and all trying to do their best.

Many cyclists have an impressive disposable income at their fingertips, making them a target group for advertisers of everything from banking to cars. You are more likely to see BradleyWiggins with his bike on the roof in a car ad, rather than golf clubs being shouldered from a spacious boot.

Although cycling is probably one of the healthiest changes you could make in your life, it doesn’t come without risk. Keeping safe while sharing the road is essential and cyclists are always the vulnerable party.

Most serious cyclists put safety at the top of their shopping list, and manufacturers are building reflective and hi-vis into their designs and products as it’s such an important selling point.

There is also great potential and opportunity for the business gift industry to offer clever and inventive solutions to tick the CSR box for companies and organisations.

For example, an insurance company would not find a better giveaway than a reflective sticker to keep you safer on the road. Likewise, a travel company would do well to offer a reflective bag-tag or luggage label. It’s important to offer a range of products for your customers to put their name to, that reflect beyond the highest standards.

So, whether you love or loath the Lycra, there is opportunity for creative thinkers to offer customers a gift that could save a life.

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